
Internet marketing is the greatest business opportunity that has ever overwhelmed mankind! I'm wading in, cautiously, and I invite you to learn from my successes and mistakes. In this blog, I'll share with you: * Things that produce money with reasonable effort * What didn't work for me, and may not work for you * Who I enjoy buying from/working with * Marketers I avoid, and why * What distracts me, and what I do to get focused * Nothing but the truth, as far as I can ascertain it

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

How to write sales copy

Neil Shearing is one of the good guys in Internet marketing. His messages are always upbeat, straightforward, clear, and edifying.

I just got this link from him for his new copywriting brand – “Copywriting Lion.” It is a powerful course in copywriting that you can read all the way through in a few minutes. Highly recommended, and it’s not selling you anything.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


If I had to pick the single greatest obstacle that would-be Internet marketers must overcome, it would be lack of focus.

The problem is not that there is not enough information; it is that we are swamped with information of all kinds. Much of it is eminently useful.

But there is so much of it! And every day's email contains tons more.

If you ever hope to make any progress, you must define and execute your first small project, then refine it. While you're doing that, don't start anything else. If anything else of interest comes your way, just mark it to look at again when your current project is complete.

Your first project may not bring in immediate cash. That's ok! As Dr. Ken Evoy of SBI says, the stable way to build a Web-based business is to select a niche; focus on creating useful content for that niche; that content will attract traffic; you pre-sell the site visitors, by giving good advice; you can then monetize your traffic, through AdSense ads and affiliate links, or your own products.

You can get it all from one source by going with SBI, or you can simply start by getting a free blog right here at

Pick something; do it; evaluate your results; then pick your next thing. Resist the temptation to jump from one thing to another.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

More on JoelsCoolStore

Just got a note from marketer David Vallieres, who I have found to be a straight shooter. He points out that you can focus your store on one or two keywords, then use that topic to attract traffic through ezines or even by buying PPC (pay-per-click) ads, like Google AdWords. (Be careful with PPC; unless you track it, you could wind up paying a lot and getting not very much. More about PPC in the future.)

So if you want to see the store, it’s at But think of it in terms of some targeted keywords. That’s something I hadn’t really thought about.

JoelsCoolStore is up

It’s up – But is it worth the $97 I paid? I think it will take a while to find out. Since there is very little differentiation of the individual “cool stores” – that’s what makes it attractive; you don’t have to DO anything to the site – the only question is: can I drive traffic to the site that will result in people buying stuff through eBay or Clickbank, or click on AdSense ads?

I’ll let you know how things unfold.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Reasons Why Most People Will Never Find Online Success

In this article, marketer Tim Knox offers some excellent advice to would-be marketers.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Google: The world's storage bin

Google is taking over the world, a chunk at a time. And while there are some who worry about it, most people feel comfortable with Google’s “do no evil” policy.

I just discovered Google Base, which has apparently been live for a few weeks. You can store almost anything there and search for it. You can assign attributes, to go beyond free search for finding things.

The subtle difference between Google Base and Google Search is that the stuff in Google Base is on their servers. If you carry that thinking to its logical conclusion, you can come up with a world in which all your files are stored on Google’s servers, programs run on their network, and the box on your desk is nothing but a Web access device.

I think this has implications for Internet marketing, though I am not sure what they are at this point.

Check out Google Base.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Your Cool Little Store?

OK, you want to dip your toe into the Internet marketing waters, but everything just seems too complicated? Well, it doesn't get much simpler than this: Well-respected marketer Tim Knox's star programmer, Dave Purves, has come out with a totally canned package, "Dave's Cool Little Store," that sets you up with:
  • Your own Clickbank mall - Clickbank is the leading affiliate product directory for electronically delivered products. You make between 20% and 75% on every product;
  • Your own eBay affiliate store - You connect people into eBay, and through your free membership in te eBay affiliate program (operated by Commission Junction), you get paid on every sale;
  • Your own AdSense ads - You make money every time someone clicks on one.
This is NOT a service, but a one-time purchase - and it's only $97! I just signed up, and will let you know how I'm doing with it.

Click here to learn more.