
Internet marketing is the greatest business opportunity that has ever overwhelmed mankind! I'm wading in, cautiously, and I invite you to learn from my successes and mistakes. In this blog, I'll share with you: * Things that produce money with reasonable effort * What didn't work for me, and may not work for you * Who I enjoy buying from/working with * Marketers I avoid, and why * What distracts me, and what I do to get focused * Nothing but the truth, as far as I can ascertain it

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Google: The world's storage bin

Google is taking over the world, a chunk at a time. And while there are some who worry about it, most people feel comfortable with Google’s “do no evil” policy.

I just discovered Google Base, which has apparently been live for a few weeks. You can store almost anything there and search for it. You can assign attributes, to go beyond free search for finding things.

The subtle difference between Google Base and Google Search is that the stuff in Google Base is on their servers. If you carry that thinking to its logical conclusion, you can come up with a world in which all your files are stored on Google’s servers, programs run on their network, and the box on your desk is nothing but a Web access device.

I think this has implications for Internet marketing, though I am not sure what they are at this point.

Check out Google Base.


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