
Internet marketing is the greatest business opportunity that has ever overwhelmed mankind! I'm wading in, cautiously, and I invite you to learn from my successes and mistakes. In this blog, I'll share with you: * Things that produce money with reasonable effort * What didn't work for me, and may not work for you * Who I enjoy buying from/working with * Marketers I avoid, and why * What distracts me, and what I do to get focused * Nothing but the truth, as far as I can ascertain it

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Money Farmer

Of all the different formats in which we can communicate with each other, I think a blog is the simplest, most immediate, and least burdensome for both me and you, my reader.

Posting is very easy for me, so you can hear what I'm thinking as quickly as I can jot a post. And comments mean you can talk back to me, as well as to the other readers.

RSS allows you to subscribe, using a feed reader (I use; it's free, Web-based, and reasonably fast.)

Let me know if you agree.


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