
Internet marketing is the greatest business opportunity that has ever overwhelmed mankind! I'm wading in, cautiously, and I invite you to learn from my successes and mistakes. In this blog, I'll share with you: * Things that produce money with reasonable effort * What didn't work for me, and may not work for you * Who I enjoy buying from/working with * Marketers I avoid, and why * What distracts me, and what I do to get focused * Nothing but the truth, as far as I can ascertain it

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

More on JoelsCoolStore

Just got a note from marketer David Vallieres, who I have found to be a straight shooter. He points out that you can focus your store on one or two keywords, then use that topic to attract traffic through ezines or even by buying PPC (pay-per-click) ads, like Google AdWords. (Be careful with PPC; unless you track it, you could wind up paying a lot and getting not very much. More about PPC in the future.)

So if you want to see the store, it’s at But think of it in terms of some targeted keywords. That’s something I hadn’t really thought about.


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